Hi, I'm Mark Ford
Information Publisher

Take Your Home Business To The Next Level

Purpose? Loyally stepping up for others SO THAT they are given inner peace. My goal is to help you recognise your potential and equip you with the skills you need to turn that potential into a viable online home business in the digital economy.
Mark Ford, Home Business Information Publishing

About Mark Ford

Mark Ford's Story

A warm welcome to the Home Business Training Courses website, published by Mark Ford, Home Business Information Publisher.

Mark Ford has, in one way or another, worked from home since 1996 and founded Home Business Training Course.com as an online training division of Nice Money Publications.

Mark Ford is the founder of the brand Nice Money Publications, a UK based Limited Company, and Mark Ford created this back in 2008 to pass on his experience to fellow home business entrepreneurs to help them make nice money working from home.

Mark, through Home Business Training Course.com and Nice Money Publications, offers worldwide online educational services and information products to help you up skill and build your home business.